We care about our patients, we care about our work and we care about each other. We are committed to excellent patient and parent education and pledge to do all we can to make your orthodontic treatment a worthwhile and meaningful experience.

August 23, 2010

Early Treatment is better for many children

The American Association of Orthodontics recommends all children have an orthodontic screening no later than age 7.  Not all children need early treatment, or two phase treatment and it is only recommended when beneficial to the patient. 

Those children who have clear indications for early treatment present the opportunity to: 

  • Improve aesthetics and self-esteem at an earlier age
  • Influence jaw growth and tooth eruption in a positive manner
  • Lower the risk of trauma to protruded upper incisors
  • Correct harmful oral habits
  • Simplify and/or shorten treatment time for later corrective orthodontics providing the best, most stable results
  • Improve some speech problems
Of course, many children who need braces are older than age 7 and we excel at developing the best treatment plan to give them optimal results in minimal time.  As part of Dr. Majznerski's additional training at Mayo, he focused on complex treatments and creating the best aesthetic results to enhance the facial structure and provide the foundation for a lifetime of stable, strong beautiful teeth.

August 10, 2010

A Smile

A Smile

A smile costs nothing, but gives much.

It enriches those who receive without making poorer those who give.

It takes but a moment, but the memory of it sometimes lasts forever.

None is so rich that he can get along without it, and none so poor that he cannot be made rich by it.

A smile creates happiness in the home, fosters goodwill in business, and is the countersign of friendship.

It brings rest to the weary, cheer to the discouraged, sunshine to the sad, and it is nature's best antidote for trouble.

Yet it cannot be bought, begged, borrowed or stolen, for it is something that is of no value until it is given away.

Some people are too tired to give you a smile.  Give them one of yours, as no one needs a smile so much as one who has no more to give.

- Anonymous

July 13, 2010

Insider Secrets by Dr. Larry Majznerski

Teeth seldom need to be pulled for orthodontics.

I strongly believe that it is almost always better to leave all teeth intact when orthodontic treatment is needed.  Even in a mouth crowded with teeth, there are new options that can help avoid tooth extractions.  Non-extraction philosophy helps ensure more attractive facial aesthetics later in life and eliminates the immediate trauma and cost involved in having teeth removed. 

June 15, 2010

Smile With Confidence

Our smiles are a big part of our identity and how we are perceived by our peers.  Consider this - in a recent survey of more than 1,000 Americans (age 18 and over), 72% of the respondents agreed that people of all ages with healthy straight teeth are typically treated better in social situations than those with noticeably crooked teeth.  Conversely, nearly half said that crooked teeth leave a negative first impression. 

With the discreet technology of Inspire ICE, it's easier than ever to improve your smile and experience the difference. 

If you want straighter teeth but are concerned about how you'll look with braces, ask Dr. Majznerski about Inspire ICE, the highest quality aesthetic braces on the market.  Their patented sapphire material makes Inspire ICE the only crystal-clear braces available.  They're not only discreet, they're virtually invisible.  Click on the following link for more information about Inspire ICE:

May 10, 2010

Frequently Asked Questions about Invisalign

Q:  Who's eligible for Invisalign?
A:  Invisalign is appropriate for patients with erupted second or 12-year molars, which includes most teens.  Ask Dr. Majznerski or your general dentist to see if your treatment can begin now, or if you might need to wait a little longer.

Q:  Does Invisalign really work?
A:  Yes.  In orthodontic practices worldwide, Invisalign has been effective at straightening teeth for teens and adults.  Nine out of ten surveyed patients have expressed high satisfaction with their Invisalign experience.

Q:  How does Invisalign work?
A:  3-D computer imaging technology maps the complete treatment from start to finish.  From this plan, a series of custom-made aligners unique to your treatment is produced.  You wear each aligner for about two weeks.  During this time, the aligners gradually move your teeth.  With each new aligner your teeth continue to straighten until they achieve the desired final position.

Q:  How much does Invisalign cost?
A:  Only your doctor can determine the cost for your specific treatment.  It depends on the kind of treatment you need, how long it takes, and even where you live.  Invisalign treatment is often similar to the cost of traditional braces.  In addition, your orthodontic insurance often covers Invisalign to the same extent as conventional braces.  Many Invisalign providers also offer affordable monthly payment plans.

For more information regarding Invisalign, visit the Invisalign page on our Website:

April 12, 2010

Dental Health Presentation and Poster Contest

During the months of February and March Dr. Majznerski and some of our staff members visited a number of area elementary schools and gave a presentation about dental health. We had a blast and hope the kids did too!

We discussed the following topics:

1. Fluoride - Fluoridated water is most important from ages 0 to 4.
2. Sugar Intake - One of the worst things you can drink is pop with sugar!
3. Brushing and Flossing - When brushing at night, thoroughly brush teeth and gums first with warm water only and then with tooth paste.
4. Braces can be cool!

Following the presentation, each child/class was invited to participate in our annual Poster Contest.  Below are the winning posters:

The winning classes will receive a gift certificate to purchase items for their classroom and all classes that participated in the contest will be enjoying a pizza party! 

To view more photos of the dental presentation click on the following link: 

March 18, 2010

Foods to Avoid During Orthodontic Treatment

Eating proper foods and minimizing sugar intake are essential during orthodontic treatment.  Your braces are precise appliances that can be damaged by eating hard foods.  Some soft and sticky foods can cause tooth decay and loosen or dislodge your braces.


  • Hard Candy
  • Corn Chips
  • Popcorn
  • Jerky
  • Ice
  • Nuts
  • Pizza Crust
  • Corn on the Cob
  • Jolly Ranchers


  • Bubble Gum
  • Gum
  • Starbursts
  • Sugar Daddies
  • Tootsie Rolls
  • Gummy Bears
  • Caramels
  • Taffy
  • Other chewy candies
Use common sense when choosing food to put in your mouth and avoid chewing on hard objects such as pens and pencils.

March 3, 2010

When is the Best Time to Begin Orthodontic Treatment?

Orthodontic treatment can be started on certain types of tooth problems before all permanent teeth have erupted.

The advantages of early treatment include:

1.  Enhance self-esteem - "Straight teeth" at an earlier age
2.  Allowing for treatment at an age where cooperation is
     more predictable = better results, which may not be
     attainable with later intervention
3.  More stable, long-term results due to earlier correction of
     skeletal imbalances
4.  Reduce permanent tooth extractions
5.  Reduce treatment time in full braces (eliminates teenagers
     needing braces for 2+ years)
6.  Reduce or eliminate decalcification and root resorption
7.  Reduce need for jaw surgery
8.  Prevent fractures (incisors)

*The American Association of Orthodontics recommends initial evaluation at 7 years of age or at the initial stages of permanent incisor eruption. 

Click here for more information regarding early orthodontic treatment.

February 18, 2010


Is Invisalign Teen right for my child?

Invisalign Teen is a new product that can straighten your child's teeth without the hassle, discomfort, and embarrassment of traditional braces.  Your teen will receive a series of clear, vitually invisible aligners from the orthodontist, approximately every six weeks.
Virtually invisible

Q:  What is the difference between the adult Invisalign product and the Invisalign Teen product?

A:  Although many of the benefits are the same, Invisalign Teen is differentiated by three new features that were designed specifically for a patient with the needs or the type of dentition commonly found in the teen age-group.

Q:  What are some other advantages of Invisalign Teen over traditional braces?

A:  In addition to keeping a clean mouth, an active lifestyle is made simpler when wearing Invisalign as opposed to the fixed wire and brackets.  Since the device is removable it's easy for your child to play sports or an instrument as any teenager would - even one who is not in orthodontic treatment.

February 2, 2010

Invisalign - Now it's your turn!

Now it's your turn to have a beautiful smile.  Having straight teeth is important not only for children, but for adults as well.  As we get older, our teeth tend to grow inward, creating "malocclusion", or crowding - a common problem for many adults.  As a result, it may become difficult to keep teeth clean and healthy.

Straightening your teeth with the Invisalign system can treat that crowding and thereby help you maintain your dental health.  It can also help you get the smile you've always wanted. 

Invisalign treatment is a breakthrough technique that straightens your teeth without braces, using a series of clear, comfortable aligners that are custom-modeled to fit your teeth.  The virtually invisible aligners gradually reposition your teeth into a smile you'll be proud of.

Click on the following link to find out if Invisalign is right for you!

January 18, 2010

What makes our Orthodontic Office special?

When choosing an Orthodontic Office there are many factors a potential patient has to consider. For some, it will depend on the location of the office - How convenient is it going to be for them to drive to this office every 6 to 8 weeks. Others will want the orthodontic office to be clean and up-to-date. For others the cost and treatment time will be their first and foremost concern.  And of course, how they feel about the Orthodontist always plays a big role in the decision making process. 

One other very important factor when choosing an orthodontic office is how friendly and educated are the staff members. From the first face you see when you enter the office to the last one you see when you leave - you should feel confident that they know what they are doing and care about you and/or your child.

This is where I begin to answer my original question: What makes our Orthodontic Office special?

Well, part of what makes our office special are the staff members who work here.  On average our staff members have 20 years of dental/orthodontic experience and most have been working for Dr. Majznerski for 15+ years.  The Staff at Dr. Majznerski's office are knowledgeable and well trained not to mention a whole lot of fun! 

To learn more about our staff members, click here: