We care about our patients, we care about our work and we care about each other. We are committed to excellent patient and parent education and pledge to do all we can to make your orthodontic treatment a worthwhile and meaningful experience.

June 15, 2010

Smile With Confidence

Our smiles are a big part of our identity and how we are perceived by our peers.  Consider this - in a recent survey of more than 1,000 Americans (age 18 and over), 72% of the respondents agreed that people of all ages with healthy straight teeth are typically treated better in social situations than those with noticeably crooked teeth.  Conversely, nearly half said that crooked teeth leave a negative first impression. 

With the discreet technology of Inspire ICE, it's easier than ever to improve your smile and experience the difference. 

If you want straighter teeth but are concerned about how you'll look with braces, ask Dr. Majznerski about Inspire ICE, the highest quality aesthetic braces on the market.  Their patented sapphire material makes Inspire ICE the only crystal-clear braces available.  They're not only discreet, they're virtually invisible.  Click on the following link for more information about Inspire ICE: