We care about our patients, we care about our work and we care about each other. We are committed to excellent patient and parent education and pledge to do all we can to make your orthodontic treatment a worthwhile and meaningful experience.

November 28, 2012

Invisalign Summit in Vegas

Invisalign Summit

There is nothing like attending a convention to get reenergized about what you do! 

On November 15 four of our staff members and Dr. Majznerski left for Vegas to attend the bi-annual Invisalign Summit.  I have to admit I was excited about going because one, it was Vegas and I had never been there before and two, I love the woman I work with so I knew it would be a fun, bonding weekend. 

I do not work in the clinic at Dr. Majznerski's office so I did not sign up for lectures pertaining to the clinical side of Invisalign.  Instead, I attended several lectures about Social Media platforms (Facebook, Twitter, Blogger, YouTube etc.) which is what I do here at the office.  I learned a lot about the future of social media and how to make it enjoyable/informational for our patients but the funny thing is I also learned a ton about Invisalign.   

I am very excited about what we are able to offer our patients with regards to Invisalign and Invisalign Teen and the results that Invisalign can provide. 

I could talk until I am blue in the face with facts about how Invisalign works but hearing first hand from someone who has personally experienced Invisalign would be much more beneficial. 

Thank You David for sharing your Invisalign Story with us.

There is a very good chance that you would be an Invisalign candidate. 

Call our office today for a cost-free consultation: