We care about our patients, we care about our work and we care about each other. We are committed to excellent patient and parent education and pledge to do all we can to make your orthodontic treatment a worthwhile and meaningful experience.

February 19, 2015

Why we love laughter and you should too!

Laughter is a big part of our day. We laugh with our patients and parents and we laugh with each other. Laughter is medicine for the soul!

Our office is set up in an "open bay" design. This is quite common in the orthodontic world, however, the laughter we share in our office is unique. It is unique because our laughter is always shared with the patients we have invested in. We care about and are interested to know more about our patients. For us, it's not just about providing a beautiful lifelong health smile, we also care about the hearts of those we have the opportunity to treat.

Dr. M has an incredibly dry sense of humor, silly things make him laugh. The next time you visit or stop by, feel free to share a joke that we can share with others (G rated).  We love to laugh!

Written by:  Stacey Udell


February 5, 2015

February - Dental Health Month

February is dental health month, here are some fun facts…

*It takes 43 muscles to frown and only 17 to smile!

*Two thirds have less respect for their boss with bad oral hygiene

*Some of the things we admit to picking our teeth with…

     ~Earrings, business cards, keys, matchsticks, screwdrivers

*One in four say electric toothbrushes are only for lazy people!?!

*61% of us have been attracted to somebody by their smile alone!

*$1.00 is the going-rate per tooth given by the tooth fairy!

*We would share our toothbrush with…

~A partner 24%

~Our child 18%

~A friend 7%

~A celebrity 6%

*Chocolate is the food that makes us smile the most, followed by a Sunday beef-roast.

*Top of the list of things we could not do without when we go on vacation…


The best gift you can give someone else?

A Smile J
Written by:  Stacey Udell